
Branch Executive Committee

Stephen Black

Stephen Black


Lester Nickel

Lester Nickel

1st Vice-President

Owen Harder

Owen Harder

2nd Vice President

Richard Black

Richard Black


Joan Miller

Joan Miller

Past President

Danny Rieberger

Danny Rieberger


Ralph Warnock

Ralph Warnock


Jim Bristow

Jim Bristow

Honorary President

Len Aucoin

Len Aucoin

Sergeant at Arms

Ian Lucas

Ian Lucas

Sergeant at Arms

Doug Holsworth

Doug Holsworth

Service Officer

Executive Officers

Ron King

Ron King

Pat Harder

Pat Harder

Dave Halfhide

Dave Halfhide

Denise Lester

Denise Lester

Dave Stattler

Dave Stattler

Trent Porter

Trent Porter

An active Ladies Auxiliary (which had existed since 1931) provided volunteers in support of Branch functions and fundraising events particularly through the provision of catering and funeral teas.

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